Ellen Yilma

Ellen graduated from London Contemporary Dance School in July 2011, having previously trained at Tring Park, School for the Performing Arts. Ellen joined Tavaziva as an apprentice dancer, part of the Postgraduate Apprenticeship Scheme at LCDS. She has toured with Watkins Dance since June 2012, and in spring 2013 took part in the Barbican Exhibition ‘dancing around Duchamp season’, performing Merce Cunningham repertoire. Ellen has also worked with IJAD Dance Company on ‘Infinite-Space’, and with Second Hand Dance in developing ‘Getting Dressed’. In November 2014 she completed her MA in Contemporary Dance with Distinction and has become a contemporary dance teacher for Tring Park Associates. She is a workshop leader for Tavaziva’s extensive education programme. Ellen joined Tavaziva as a company member in September 2012.