Tavaziva Tuesdays at Greenwich Dance

Join Bawren Tavaziva at Greenwich Dance, the first Tuesday of every month until November. Tavaziva workshops offer a real insight into the way Artistic Director Bawren Tavaziva choreographs, exploring his bold, dynamic and original approach that synthesises Ballet, Contemporary and African dance. Prepare for a physically demanding but highly enjoyable experience that will challenge and […]

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Pro Class with Bawren Tavaziva

Learn Bawren’s unique style that synthesises ballet, contemporary, and African dance. The highly energetic and physically challenging contemporary class will raise your fitness levels as well as improve technique, strength, and stamina. Classes take place at the gorgeous bbodance studios in Battersea, where Tavaziva are based – studio is open from 10.30am.   Upcoming dates (generally […]

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Profiling Our Talented Friends

  Congratulations to former Tavaziva dancer Carmine De Amicis and current dancer Harriet Waghorn, co-Artistic Directors of Edifice Dance Theatre for their sell out show of SALOMÉ – in collaboration with the Hastings Philharmonic Ensemble. A dark exploration of divine love, rejection, lust and death, this original production is based on the themes and characters of […]

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Tribute to Thea Nerissa Barnes

  Bawren Tavaziva has been invited to make a new duet in memory of Thea Nerissa Barnes for a tribute performance at the Lyceum Theatre in London on Monday 12 August 2019. Thea was Bawren’s Artistic Director at Phoenix Dance when he was a dancer with the company between 2000 and 2002. “Thea Barnes was amazing […]

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Bawren Tavaziva – Celebrating 15 Years!

  I’m so proud of where Tavaziva has come in 15 years… We are a company that approaches productions by thinking big and we don’t believe in being restricted by resources, for example the quality of the dancers that we work with are worth more than gold, the productions are worth more than any money […]

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Tavaziva Celebrates 15 Years

  Tavaziva is one of the UK’s leading professional, contemporary-African dance companies, led by Zimbabwean-born Artistic Director, Choreographer and Music Producer Bawren Tavaziva who established the company in 2004. Now a national touring company, supported by Arts Council England as a National Portfolio Organisation, Bawren Tavaziva has reached audiences in every corner of the UK. […]

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Help Me! I’m Creative

  Tavaziva company Dancer Asmara Cammock is organising an event called “Help Me! I’m Creative” – a panel-led discussion, centred around helping creatives talk about mental health and the struggles faced when in pursuit of a creative career, as well as a fantastic networking opportunity! Through panel discussion, a physiologists interactive presentation, networking, games and […]

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Tavaziva and F.R.E.S.H Studios at WAF

  Tavaziva comes together with F.R.E.S.H Studios for a screening of excerpts of Izindava and a fascinating live interview with Bawren Tavaziva, 5pm on the 4th May at Fresh Ground as a part of Wandsworth Arts Fringe (WAF). The event, led by Movement Psychotherapist Natasha Sackey, will include screened sections from Bawren’s work Izindava (2017-2018), a piece that explores and is based on traumatic childhood […]

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